The footage seen on our websites and social media platforms have been selected from a collection of videos and photos - we archive all footage from our flights and projects and you can use this royalty free subject to the basic terms below.
If you're using our YouTube content for your own YouTube channel under Fair Use, we'd really appreciate a link back to our channel from your video description.
On all other platforms, any media used must show the attribution as worded
All information provided on this site is done so in good faith and intended mainly for those flying sub 250g drones in the UK. It is your reponsibility as the consumer of this information/drone owner/operator/flyer to ensure you stay up to date with and adhere to any and all current legislation, and any legislation changes. Please see our privacy page to see how we use cookies and log visitor data.
We use cookies on this site (they annoy us too) but if that's not OK, please go somewhere else, or learn more.